It’s time for you to take your power back!  Be ready to accept the Divine gift…

Perhaps you find that  you want to move on in your life, but something is preventing you.  It could be a promise you made in the past, however, you are no longer able to fulfill it.   Perhaps we have made a pledge while under great emotional state, but in the passage of time, circumstances have changed and  we can not or no longer desire to hold these promises any longer because they do not serve our Higher selves.  We may  still be energetically bound by these old agreements,  therefore we are drained of the energy we need to use to build a future for ourselves . What  can we do? How do we liberate ourselves from these things which bind us?


We offer a service for you to return to your own Higher Self and get rid of unwanted energy connections with other people.  We will help you to cut  energetic cords with those who are draining your vital personal power or draining your energy.

The process utilizes high frequency Light from Archangel Michael and Divine Mother.

Breaking agreements when you are in a Self-conscious state of awareness, also known as the Alpha State, allows you to eliminate self-defeating restrictive suggestions more quickly and thoroughly. We are not asking you to lay blame, but as a Master of yourself, in your becoming, to use this process to rise above the conflict and the hurt.  You will be able to objectively begin to understand the difficult lessons which you have experienced with others. Your karmic partners and teachings have been chosen by you and others as a powerful agreement, prior to your incarnation.  It is extremely important that you understand this fact.

What is an energetic cord?

ENERGETIC CORDS – When we consistently direct our thoughts and energy to a particular person, place or thing, we begin to establish an energetic cord connecting us to that object. The more we send our energy there, the more we think of that object the thicker and bigger the cord becomes. Because of this construction, our energy becomes attached to that object, and through this energetic drain and lack of awareness, we lose our own vital energy.  Not only do we lose energy which many call “giving our power away” but we also allow our energy to become entangled in the energy of the other.

How will you benefit from this session?

FREEDOM – By establishing your rightful connection to your own true Source of Power, you will return to a level of personal freedom and allows other to live in this liberation as well, sharing only that which is of true benefit for all!

when should an individual get rid of a cord?

It’s time to get rid of a cord (cord cutting) whenever it is inhibiting the growth of your soul or preventing you from ‘moving forward’ in your life.

The most important thing to remember about ‘cutting a cord’, is that you aren’t ending a relationship - per se. While you can certainly have that intention, to end a relationship, the main purpose of cord cutting is to terminate an unhealthy or no-longer-serving energetic exchange. A prime example is if you had a fight with a loved one and want to heal that relationship.

Archangel Michael is a highly recognized archangel, and as a great leader and warrior, endlessly fighting the dark forces who shy away from him and his great blue sword of light. He is on the blue ray, the ray of Will, and once aware one can feel the power emanating from him. He commands legions of all angels, so he quite literally is the captain of the ship.

Cutting cords doesn’t mean, “I don’t love you or care about you anymore.” Cord cutting doesn’t necessarily lead to break-ups or abandoned relationships. It simply means that you are releasing the dysfunctional parts of your relationships. Remember, fear is the opposite of love, and etheric cords (and all attachments) are created from fear”. Doreen Virtue