Online class (group) "In the arms of Divine Mother"

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Online class (group) "In the arms of Divine Mother"


I'm Divine Mother. I came to tell you the truth of who you really are. Its time to be free from all the limitations and confused perceptions about yourself. You are beautiful beyond any measure. And I'm here to show you your Glory...(Divine Mother through Masha Penson)

She is changing you so that you can live without fear. She is creating a life for you with Her in it everywhere. She is creating a life for you with Her guiding you. 

So welcome to the alchemy of Her Love.

There are 11 reasons you need to go:

*You'll naturally switch perspectives to face anything life hands you, find solutions to your problem from within
* Relief from every day struggles such as insomnia, headaches, anxiety and depression just to name a few
* Uplift yourself through pure bliss
* Heal yourself down to the cellular level
* Release of physical or emotional blocks
* A sense of freedom you never knew was possible
* Expansion of the heart
* A liberating connection with Divine
* Restore balance to your life
* Find the infinite source of creativity and inspiration
* Awake. Discover. Balance.Relax, Love, Live

This is ongoing program offering online at the comfort of your home. If you feel its your call, welcome to our group. We accept newcomers.


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