Awakened Teacher

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“Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.”

― Aristotle

Everyone knows that educators are one of the most important professions in the world. Teachers are the ones who shape our future and pave the way for our success in adulthood. Think about this, how many sources do we have to help teachers in one of the most stressful working environments? Do you have tools to handle your day-to-day stress or occupational stress? The program we developed is for that purpose!

You are invited to learn transformational practices that will enable you to become a reservoir of energy, clarity and vitality to help you negotiate your busy and ever changing life. Not only will this program give you the tools to handle your daily stress or hardships but it will also help you to create tools to use within your classroom that will lead to a more peaceful and balanced learning environment.

By using a school of ancient knowledge and recent findings, the Awakened Teacher Course will give teachers’ basic exercises, and simple yet powerful tools to increase nervous system power and memory by way of increasing prana (life force energy). This program provides activations of special vital energy centers in the brain that allows the brain to balance and function more efficiently.

This  program explore similar themes of stress management, memory increase, and rejuvenation. We offer One day retreat at US Siddha Science Center. program to help manage that:

1.  Basic knowledge and skills plus energy healing module. Learn simple yet effective tools to rebalance your life in hours!

2. Simple and practical Asanas (poses) from Hatha yoga

3. Pranayama (breathing exercises) As a result of these breathing practices, your entire system will naturally come into balance.

4. Energy based meditation. (No prior experience required) Experience a deep state of meditation instantly with no efforts and long instruction.

5. Yoga Nidra, one of the most powerful technique created to cleanse your system (mind, physical body, emotional body). After just one session you will feel completely relaxed and refreshed. In fact the impact of this meditation is much more profound, but its better to experience it, rather to describe...